Summer 2017

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Poor Weston

Since about Tuesday afternoon, Weston has had a runny nose and a little cough. He has run a low-grade fever off and on all week. Yesterday, I thought he was pretty much over it. He seemed to feel pretty good and his fever was down to just 99, which isn't much for a little guy like Weston. But this morning, his fever was back up...way up. It was 103.6. Obviously, I was quite concerned, so I called the after-hours number for my pediatrician. The answering service assured me the PA would call me back soon, and she did. She was very compassionate and told me she would give the doctor a call and have her meet me to check Weston out. The doctor called me about 9:30 and I met her at the hospital, where she examined Weston in the waiting room and found out he has ear infections in both ears. She gave us a perscription for some antibiotics, which we had filled, and Weston has pretty much been sleeping all day. When he woke up around 1:30 this afternoon his fever was up yet again--to 104.3. I gave him more Tylenol and he slept some more. When I took his temperature around 4:00 it was down to 102, so hopefully that means he's on the road to getting better. Dr. Ellis said his fever should be gone by Wednesday, and he'll finish the anitbiotics in 10 days. Then we'll be back to see the doctor in two weeks. It's a process for sure, but I really hope Weston will be feeling better soon.

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