Summer 2017

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Local News Blues

When the heck are the local news stations going to realize their uselessness and go away and leave us alone? I absolutely cannot stand the local news. I hate the way the anchor people carry on pointless banter, and the way they insist on reporting on things that don't even remotely resemble what I would call news. And don't get me started on the over-dramatic weathermen and women, and their super-duper doplers! And this may sound radical, but do we really need 5:00 AND 6:00 news and 9:00 AND 10:00 news?! And would it kill a field reporter to put someone on the air who can actually form a complete sentence?! I just think the local news is the biggest waste of airtime there ever was--and that's saying something considering what's on TV these days. Forgive the rant, but I just can't take it anymore. I can't wait until the local news goes the way of the dinosaur.

1 comment:

  1. I don't think it is only the local news; it's all the national "news" and newspapers too. I've become quite jaded lately.

    Remember Don Henley's Dirty Laundry song? ? ?


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