Summer 2017

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Home Again, Home Again Jiggety-Jig

We arrvived home safely from our travels around 2:00 this morning. Our adventure began when we reached our first destination and discovered that I (and my packing assistant) had neglected to pack for my oldest child 1. a coat or jacket of any kind and 2. any undergarments. This little parenting faux pas sent Daddy on a rare shopping trip to a nearby town to purchase the necessities...and he only called once to verify sizes and styles. His trip was a smashing success. He brought back a reversable hot pink faux-fur coat and days-of-the-week panties, the latter of which brought about an interesting conversation as our trip progressed:

Ruth: What do the panties say today?

Mom: Thursday

Ruth: How do they always know?!

With tragedy averted, we continued rather uneventfully through the rest of our journey. We thoroughly enjoyed visiting both sides of the family and our dear friends, the Kitchels, in Indiana. We ate so much and laughed so hard that, at times, we thought our sides would truly split. So many wonderful memories, and too many pictures to show here, so I will leave you with only a few.

"May I have this dance?"

The Three Amigos

All Bundled Up At The Park

Discovering Dinosaurs at the Indianapolis Children's Museum

Ice Skating in Lafayette

1 comment:

  1. Precious! And new respect for the future El Jefe in the little girls' fashion arena.


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