Summer 2017

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Things I Like About Winter--An Exercise In Reverse Psychology

  • Pink Fuzzy Socks
  • Drinking all the Chai I want and not feeling bad about it
  • Sweaters and Sweatshirts
  • Getting to play at RadiJazz instead of the park
  • Hot Chocolate
  • Polar Fleece Anything
  • Cuddly Blankets
  • Soup
  • Fires in fireplaces at restaurants
  • More reasons to snuggle with my Sweetie


  1. That's right- you really are a warm weather gal, aren't you?

    It's a good list. I would add blustery days and leaves.

  2. It was a struggle to come up with that many things. I was just trying to focus on the positive instead of the cold that seemed to seep into my bones, which I couldn't shake no matter what I did.


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