Summer 2017

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Na-Na-Na (And Good-bye)

Weston has picked up a new "word" in the past week: na-na-na. Now, I know it isn't really "Mama," but it's by far the closest thing we've got, so I'm claiming it! (Although, if I'm honest, I don't think he really means it in that way since he uses it for things totally unrelated to me, but I'm not really that honest).

He is also really good at waving now and even does it at the right time--to say hello and good-bye. It's a whole-body wave and you just can't help but think he is genuinely happy to see you coming or going.

And finally, I just wanted to share some pictures and a video of our little walker. He's getting more confident everyday, and today I was even able to capture him on camera. We are so proud of the way he is growing, although it's hard to believe he's already big enough to walk and talk!

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