Summer 2017

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Mama Needs A New Pair Of Shoes

O.k. so maybe it wasn't a pair of shoes, maybe it was three pairs of shoes. And maybe need (in the traditional sense) is too strong a word. But honestly, I did need something to help me change my attitude today, and shoe shopping was just the thing. I got three really cute pairs and I didn't spend all that much and--and this is maybe the most important thing--I got to get out of the house by myself for a while and just focus on me. Selfish, I know, but sometimes necessary. Don't take that to mean that my children were driving me nuts or that my husband was getting on my nerves. Quite the contrary. It was just one of those sad kind of days full of emotion I can't begin to explain, even to myself. I spent about three hours out of the house, and I came home with the "Most Improved" award for attitude--and, of course, three pairs of super-cute shoes!

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