Summer 2017

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Wonderful One

Our little man is one today! I just can't believe it! He had so much fun at the party on Thursday with all our family and friends, and then today with just the four of us. He has learned to put up one finger and say something that sounds very similar to "one" when you ask him how old he is. He caught on to the unwrapping of gifts very quickly, but he pretty much held his breath while we sang "Happy Birthday." He loved the cake we gave him on Thursday and the chocolate milk we gave him this morning. He was not a fan of the chocolate doughnut, however. It's been a fun long-weekend of celebrating. What a fun year it's been, and what an amazing little boy. I'll leave you with some pics from the party, including the cake and the pinata.


  1. That is a fantastic cake! What a precious boy! A Year? I can hardly believe it.

  2. He really did enjoy that cake. It was hilarious to watch.


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