Summer 2017

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Party #2

Tonight we had Jeff's second 30th birthday party, just us and the kids. We went to Cool River for dinner, and it was really good. And, as an aside, let me just say what a joy it is to be able to take our kids to such a fancy place and have them behave so well. All the waitstaff was very impressed with their behavior, and we were very proud of them! The party will continue after we get Ruth put to bed in a few minutes with the movie of Jeff's choice, as is our tradition. On your birthday, your half-birthday and Mother's Day/Father's day, the one whose special day it is gets to pick whatever they want without any pushback from the other one. I can't wait to see what is in store for me tonight. Stay tuned to see what other parties unfold this week.


  1. so what was the movie?
    I've eaten at Cool River once--when it first opened. I remember it as good but it has been a long time.

  2. The movie was "The World's Fastest Indian," which was very so-so in my book, and Jeff went to sleep ten minutes into it. We definitely know how to party!

  3. Yea, Trey gets mad at me when I put movies on at night---because I always fall asleep but the movie catches his attention and then he stays up to finish! Thanks for the review--I'll put it lower in my que.


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