Summer 2017

Monday, November 20, 2006

I'm Not Avoiding You, I Promise

I woke up this morning and went "Huh. I forgot to blog this weekend." And frankly, there wasn't much going on here this weekend, so you didn't really miss anything. The kids and I went to the zoo on Saturday with my sister, her boyfriend and his three kids, while Jeff took the hunter's safety class. Other than that, we pretty much just watched football and read books.

Today, we had a bit of a break in the monotony, though. Jeff came home from work wielding an autographed copy of a book, which mentions him by name on page 254 and then pictures his power-point slides in the following pages! Granted, this probably isn't a book I'll ever read--and I doubt most of you will ever pick it up either--but still, he's pretty much famous, and I'm very proud of him! He's the acknowledged resident expert on Wikipedia evolution. Pretty impressive, huh?!

1 comment:

  1. That's pretty impressive! Congratulations on the book mention!

    I don't get the Wikipedia expert though--what do you mean?

    Glad you had fun at the zoo. I remember when we first took Danielle there; she giggled at the lemurs for a full half hour.


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