Summer 2017

Thursday, November 30, 2006

I'm Dreaming Of A Green Island

Forget all that White Christmas stuff. I'm a warm-weather girl. Unfortunately, I'm not on an island, and it's COLD here. Of course my friends in Texas North (that's Michigan, for those of you not in the know) and Albequerque will just laugh at me because it's actually snowing in those places, and here in Austin we don't even know what snow is. But still, there was a small patch of ice on my sidewalk this morning for about five minutes, and that's just too much for me. So, I'm going to go tuck myself into a pile of big, cuddly, warm blankets and dream of an island paradise.

1 comment:

  1. I think I would enjoy this cold weather if I still have all the clothes! Living in the warmer climate I don't have gloves, hats, etc readily in my wardrobe anymore. LOL! Also, if it's going to be this cold, I would like to have some SNOW . . .


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