Summer 2017

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Farewell Friend

Some friendships take time to mature and are developed over the course of a lifetime. Others happen instantaneously but feel like the the life-long kind in the bond established. The latter is how I would describe my friendship with Tiffany. The moment I saw her, I just knew we would be friends. We've had so much fun and so many neat conversations in the past few months, and that's why I'm especially sad that she is moving on Friday. I'm wishing her and her family all the best as they persue a new path in Albuquerque, but my sercret, selfish self is wishing she could stay here, just for a while longer. Dear Friend, you will be missed, but I will always be thankful for the opportunity I had to get to know you and to become your friend. Thanks for sharing yourself with me. May God bless your journey and give you his peace and joy.

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