Summer 2017

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Thanksgiving Invitations

Today, while the kids were napping, I was trying to get the Thanksgiving invitations together. Just as I put the first one in the envelope, Ruth woke up and asked what I was doing. When I told her, her eyes went wide and she said, "Wait! I already have invitations." Then she ran off to her room. She came back with a pile of sticker-sealed envelopes. I asked the obvious question: "What are those?" Of course, they were the Thanksgiving invitations. I wanted to see what was inside, but she refused to show me. After telling her I wouldn't send them unless I knew what was inside, she finally allowed me to open just one. What I found was a small piece of construction paper with a wonderful drawing of a turkey. I just loved it! It was perfect! She told me about three weeks ago that she was going to make Thanksgiving invitations, but I had no idea she had actually done it. I was amazed that, not only had she done it, but that she had them in a place where she could easily put her hand on them. Some of you will be getting these in the mail soon. Perhaps after I've sent them out I'll post a picture here. They are absolutely adorable!

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