Summer 2017

Monday, October 23, 2006

Random Acts Of Violence

I found out today that on Saturday night my step-brother was brutally assaulted within an inch of his life in Dallas. Apparently, he was attacked from behind by four guys. They got him to the ground and proceeded to stomp and kick his face and head, leaving not even a bruise on any other part of his body, but pretty much taking his face off and fracturing his skull. It looks like he will require some surgeries, but will, thankfully, be all right, and may even get to go home from the hospital later this week. The authorities suspect that this was some sort of gang initiation, as they've had similar reports recently. He wasn't in a bad part of town. He wasn't involved in anything he shouldn't have been. He was just taking his fiance out for dinner. This is the kind of thing you think only happens in movies. You never suspect it could happen to someone you know. What a crazy, crazy world we live in!


  1. Mandi--I'm so sorry!! I'm so glad he is still alive; is his fiance ok? Was she there? I will add your family to my prayers.

  2. How horrible. I'm sorry also. I hope he gets over this tragedy quickly and without much difficulty.
    I don't understand people's ability to do such violence.

  3. His fiance was with him, but she had run ahead to the car to get out of the cold, so she wasn't involved at all. She didn't even know what was happening until she got to the car and looked around and couldn't find him anywhere. Thanks for the prayers. I heard today that he is doing much, much better. The swelling has gone down considerably and now he can open his right eye slightly. He is scheduled for another MRI and surgery later this week, but it looks like he's going to be alright.

  4. how scary. he's in my prayers for a quick and complete recovery.


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