Summer 2017

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Fitness Study Failure

Today was my last work-out as part of the Fitness Study I've been doing with Curves, so they had to get all my new measurements. First weight. Up one pound. That's right UP! So, the very nice lady says, "Oh, that's normal. You are building muscle and that adds weight." Then she proceeds with the other measurements (waist, hips, arms, thighs, abdomen, bust), and pretty soon she's looking back with concern at my first-time measurements. Nothing seems to be what it should. The numbers that should be lower are slightly higher. The numbers that should be higher are slightly lower. By now, I'm feeling pretty bummed, but she just continues to encourage: "Oh, it looks like Mary took those first measurements. She's one of our newer girls so she may not have measured quite accurately." "If these things are measured in just slightly different places, they can really show up in the numbers." "Perhaps, you were wearing clothes that fit differently before." "Maybe it's just a difference in the time of the month." But, I'm pretty smart, so I knew what she really meant was: "Wow. You actually failed the fitness study. That's almost impossible to do." Of course, it could just be a marketing ploy because I went ahead and paid for a memebership--obviously, I still have work to do.


  1. My coworker is doing the same study; when she completes I let you know what they said . . . to see if it's a marketing technique . . .

  2. nice. good to know the studies are "failable."


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