Summer 2017

Friday, October 13, 2006

Father/Daughter Bonding

Ruth and her daddy have always been close. They enjoy each other so much, and they engage in a wide variety of activities together. But tonight, I think they reached a new level in bonding. Jeff got out our old-old-old-school 8-bit Nintendo (that's right, the very first one) and showed Ruth how to play Mario Bros. They were both on cloud nine. The copyright on the game was 1985 and I think that officially puts this machine in the antique category. And you do have to hold your mouth just right to get it to turn on. But still, it was neat to see them share something that Jeff and I enjoyed as kids. And Ruth caught on very quickly (not that the original Mario Bros. is that complicated). I'm sure it won't be long before she's saving the princess and teaching us a few new tricks.

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