Summer 2017

Thursday, September 28, 2006

You Wouldn't Believe It If I Told You

But I'll tell you anyway: I spent the afternoon cleaning up the garage, and by 5:00 I was actually able to park my van in there! For those of you who have seen my garage, you know how very amazing this is. For those of you who haven't seen it, take my word for it, this was quite an accomplishment. There is still work to be done, but I definitely made progress. I guess I should have taken before and after pictures, but I didn't, so come see me if you want to see.

We're out of here tomorrow for the weekend. I'll check in with you guys on Sunday night.


  1. very cool. something like that is such a measurable achievement that it's really nice to accomplish. i'll have to come check it out.

  2. Garage???!! Isn't that a storage room?!? Cars are supposed to go in there???!!



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