Summer 2017

Monday, September 18, 2006

Raising Kids Who Turn Out Right

I just finished reading this book by Tim Kimmel, and I thought what he had to say was very interesting and something other parents could benefit from, thus I mention it here. The tag line on the back cover reads: "Good Kids Don't Happen By Accident," and that's pretty much the premise of the book. It's a book about purposeful parenting. It's about making the effort, even when you don't want to or even when it isn't convenient or fun. It's about getting beyond good intentions and actually doing something to leave the kind fo leagacy you want to leave. It's about being really and truly involved in your kids' lives and not missing opportunities to teach them and mold them while they are in your care. It's about leaving the past in the past and moving forward in the present and the future. It presents a challenge to do a good job in raising our kids, and it offers some practical advice on how to do this. I think it's a good read for any stage of parenthood.


  1. thanks for the suggestion.
    i'll have to check it out.

  2. Interesting. I met Tim Kimmel when I was in high school, and he was doing youth conferences at Baptist Churches. Very funny guy. I assume it's the same guy. Haven't heard the nam in many years.


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