Summer 2017

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Paying Off My Debt To Society

I'm paying off my debt to society in installments. Today's installment was $9.00. I amassed this debt years ago, beginning in elementary school and going through high school. I sold cookies, candy, magazines and overpriced wrapping paper and knick-knacks all over town, just like the kids who came to my door today. My personal rule is that if they ring my doorbell, look me in the eye and tell me what they're selling, I pretty much buy something. I just feel like I owe them that because of all the doorbells I rang when I was a kid. I will not purchase items from kids (or, rather, their parents) who set up tables in front of Wal-Mart and attack you as you go in and as you come out--unless I happen to be pregnant and I feel as if life just will not go on unless I have a box of Thin Mints right this minute. So, that's my rule. And in just three weeks I'll have some nice oeverpriced notecards, and I'll feel that my debt to society is a little closer to being paid off.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I agree. The kids must tell me who they represent and why they are selling it--not just "want a candy bar?" Same with Halloween at our house--you must say "Trick or Treat" and I will not give it to adults.


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