Summer 2017

Tuesday, September 26, 2006


Jeff made migas for dinner tonight and they were wonderful. This dish always turns out different, depending on what ingredients we have on hand. Tonight, the dish contained breakfast sausage, salsa, cilantro, onions, green chiles, tomatoes, tortilla chips, cheese, mushrooms, garlic salt and eggs--served on warm corn tortillas with refried beans on the side. My mouth is watering even as I write about it. Fortunately, we had lots leftover, so I'll get to enjoy it again tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. yum--I love migas. I toyed with the thought of breakfast-for-dinner last night but ended up having soup instead. We have lots of eggs right now. Lately, I've been perfecting Quiche Lorraine so that's where excess eggs go at our house . . .


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