Summer 2017

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Little Miss Picky Pants

You all remember my bragging about Ruth's alarmingly excellent behavior last week and my claim that it probably wouldn't last? Well, usually I love to be right, but not so much this time. We've butted heads quite a few times this week, and she's had a little rebellious streak that's been kind of hard to break. In particular, she has decided this week that she is going to be a picky eater. And she made this decision with the full knowledge that that is strictly prohibited in our house. If you don't eat what's put before you at dinner, you go to bed hungry and then you get to try again at breakfast; if you don't eat it for breakfast, it shows up again at lunchtime, etc. So, this has been our week. Tonight at dinner, the same thing--even though I tried to assuage the battle by making something I knew she liked, that she picked out herself. (She is stubborn like her daddy, what can I say)?! So, after Jeff and I had finished our meals, Jeff called me into the playroom for a parent conference. "What shall we do?" "Where shall we go from here?" We have newly papered one wall in there with maps, and I have to tell you I felt like a general in a strategy meeting trying to figure out how to take over the world. We may not take control of the world, but we do fully intend to take control of one stubborn little girl. So, who's up for quesadillas for breakfast?


  1. Emlyn tries mightily to be picky, but we don't tolerate it either. So about once a month she eats all day to make up for the other 29. My favorite recent one was that she heard in a dream that the food was yucky...

    I don't make her eat it the next day, but I do try to make her eat at least one bite. Some days though I just don't care though.

  2. Yeah, I'm horribly bad at rewarming the food. And my little Danielle is quite picky now after being such a happy, eager baby.

    Our biggest thing is the dawdling at dinner time. It drives me nuts! I'm already a slow eater (which drives Trey nuts) and she has usually barely touched dinner after I'm done. So we've started setting a timer. And now Danielle hates the timer "no, no timer, mommy."

  3. Ok Mommy Dearest! hahahaha. Remember that liver? YUM.
    I don't know how to deal with that too much but after reading/listening to How to Win Friends & Influence People its all about making the person want to do what you want them to do. Addy wants to have big strong muscles and grow tall. And so far that's been a great help in detering pickiness. Good luck!


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