Summer 2017

Thursday, August 17, 2006

It's Hot, It's Hot, It's Hot Out Here

We're definitely not in Kansas anymore. We're smack dab in the hottest part of the Texas summer. It's been over 100 for who-knows-how-many days in a row now, and as I look at the bottom of my computer screen, I see that it's still 96 right this minute--at 9:00 pm! That's just crazy. And speaking of crazy, this heat can really make you crazy. In fact, I'm blaming at least part of my end-of-20s crisis on the weather. (On my island, the weather would always be moderate, with a nice sea breeze blowing)! Anyway, we did our best to beat the heat today by going over to the Brushy Creek Water Playscape. We met some friends there for a playdate and picnic lunch, and we really had a great time. And best of all, we were cool for a couple of hours!


  1. I like that water park. It's nice.

    And the heat just makes me crazy. I feel like a lunatic in it.

    Speaking of which, I need to take a cool bath before bed...

  2. precious! Yes, it is hot.


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