Summer 2017

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Has Anyone Seen My Baby?!

He was just here, and now I can't find him anywhere! Oh wait, that looks a bit like him. But hold on...that's a little boy, and I'm looking for a baby.
It's true: Weston no longer considers himself a baby, even though that's still how I have him pictured in my mind. Today he walked with a push-toy and went up the stairs pretty much on his own. He is bored with crawling and is just on the cusp of cruising. He weaned himself over a week ago, had a sampling of enchiladas, and now won't even consider eating something that comes from a jar (which is amazing and somewhat difficult for a man with no teeth)! He's had so many milestones in the last month--even in the last two weeks! He's just growing up so fast! Fortunately, he just keeps getting cuter and more fun.


  1. how sad. and cute.
    denali, too, has gone through a spurt in the last month where he is totally a little boy now. the only baby thing left is diapers and a crib.


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