Summer 2017

Wednesday, July 26, 2006


I specifically remember when I learned how to spell this word: 3rd grade spelling bee. I spelled it right and I think I got a piece of candy for my efforts. I've told Jeff since the beginning of our relationship, "I'm always ready to travel--just let me get my purse." Jeff agrees whole-heartedly, though I guess in his case "wallet" would be more appropriate. And as you faithful blog readers know, this has certainly been a year of travel for the Watts. Well, we've managed to pass our love for travel along to at least one of our kids, as evidenced by the following conversation that took place between Ruth and her grandmother sometime in the last couple of days. Ruth was playing Nana's piano and singing church songs.

Ruth: When I grow up I'm going to be a church piano player.
Nana: That's great! I bet that will be really neat.
Ruth: Yeah, but if you come you probably won't see me.
Nana: How come?!
Ruth: Because I'll probably be on vacation a lot of the time.
Nana: Well, who will play the piano then?
Ruth: I guess the other lady will have to.

We're off again on Friday. Headed out to the Davis Mountains to enjoy (and to do a little more work on) the cabin we built earlier this summer. It should be nice and cool out there and not the least bit humid. We'll think of all of you!


  1. Have fun!!! I've never been to the Davis mountains but have friends that love it; they say that area relaxes and refreshes them. Do you go anywhere near the Hotel Limpa in Fort Davis? They brought us the cookbook from there and some of my favorite recipes are from it. Check it out if you get close. And please post photos of your cabin . . . :-)

  2. PS, Ruth is so precious . . . it's wonderful to be exposed to so much. I never got the family vacations growing up--that is why it is important to me that we do at least one a year.

  3. Miss Ruth!
    Did you know my dad just got a new baby goat and he naemd her Ruthie after YOU!!! Can you believe it? Your very own goat. You should come visit it. I am coming home in the beginning of October- maybe you could come see Mister Dan and Mrs. Sue then. Bring your mom and your brother too.
    Mrs. Katie

  4. and your dad, I guess...that would be ok ;)


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