Summer 2017

Friday, July 07, 2006


An event that accomplishes its intended purpose

A lady showed up at my door this morning trying to drum up business for her investment firm. She was dressed for success in her tailored business suit. And that got me thinking about success. I don't know how much success she actually had today for all her looking the part, but if most of the houses she visited were like mine, they probably threw her material in the trash seconds after they closed the door, if they were even home to begin with. I, on the other hand, had a very successful day--not because I wore an expensive suit or because I made a lot of money, but because I made my baby laugh, I taught my daughter a couple of new words, I sat down with my little ones and told them about the Lord, I read them stories, I took them to the park, I allowed Weston to broaden his taste horizons, I did a craft with Ruth, I spent quality time with my husband, I smiled, I sang; and besides all that I also got the kitchen cleaned up and the floors vacuumed and the plants fed. Are there still things left undone at my house? Sure. But overall, I'd say I accomplished my intended purpose. And nothing feels better than when you can sit down at the end of the day and know you were truly successful--even if there is still a pile of laundry waiting to be put away.


  1. yes. i had a good day too. i am painting the bathroom...

  2. Wow! You gals are awesome. My house is a wreck except for the kitchen. And I'm sure that will be a mess after Trey's cake decorating this morning!


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