Summer 2017

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Boogedy Bears

This afternoon Jeff was telling Ruth a story that he was making up on the spot. And without her really realizing it, he was having her add details to the story every so often by asking, "And then what do you think happened?" At one point the charaters in the story came upon a cave, and Ruth chimed in, unprompted, "There might be a bear in there." Jeff didn't really acknolwedge her comment but just went on with the story. Then one of the characters suggested that they go into the cave and the other character piped up, "What if there's a bear in there?" That really got Ruth's attention and she said, "See! I told you they were thinking about there being a bear in there! I was right and you were wrong." It was really funny to see how amazed she was that the story had taken a turn she had predicted. There were in fact bears in the cave--a special breed called Boogedy Bears. When Jeff finished up his story, Ruth decided to tell her own. She did a great job making up the details of her story and it actually had something of a plot. Very fun!


  1. Kids are amazing at this age. May Ruth never lose her creativity. Though I'm sure she won't. Have you been able to scrapbook lately?

  2. I've done a few pages of Weston's book, but haven't even finished month one yet. How embarrassing! How about you?

  3. Very little--Danielle has like 4 pages. When I get the time I have lots of cute stuff though!!! I do better with making cards. And my church group is making cards for our church bazaar so that's where what little time and focus I have goes until November.


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