Summer 2017

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

What Will We Do When We're Old?

Jeff and I had a discussion last night about what we will do when we're old. Jeff suggested tennis. We agreed briefly on golf. And then I had a flash of brillance and a fond remeberance of an experience I had in college: square dancing. It's perfect...except for the fact that Jeff absolutely despies all forms of dance (that involve himself) except for maybe the chin bob. But I figure I have 40 or 50 years to work on him, and maybe by then he'll loosen up a bit.

Now bow to your partner and dosey do.


  1. We had a square dancing demo/instruction in college one night too; it WAS FUN! Maybe you can convince Jeff to do Swing dance now and move into Square dancing later.

    Trey's grandparents used to dance for entertainment. That's what they did for their Friday and Saturday nights. It's kinda sad that we've all got other entertainment things and we don't know all the old dances.

  2. we like to swing dance although wehave not done it since college.

    square dancing is a little too southern for me.


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