Summer 2017

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Now I've Seen It All

You just never know what you're going to see. This morning while Weston and I were taking our walk we came across something very interesting. We saw a woman walking two very large dogs-- or they might have been small horses. Anyway, they were huge and they had these cute matching collars in kind of a his-and-her set, which caught my eye. Honestly, I never would have looked if it wouldn't have been for the collars. But look I did. And it was then that I noticed that this woman was not only walking her large dogs, she was also walking another pet. What pet is that, you ask? Well, it was her parakeet--just sitting there on her shoulder. I did a double-take and then I laughed out loud (out of earshot of the lady, of cousre). It was very funny. I wish you all could have seen it.


  1. It IS Austin--keepin' it weird!

  2. 2 huge dogs and a tiny parakeet. that would be funny to see!


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