Summer 2017

Thursday, June 15, 2006

"I Have A Really Good Brain"

Today Ruth was quizzing me about something we did a really long time ago--so long ago that I couldn't remember what she was talking about until she gave me more details. I said "Ruth, how do you remeber these things?" "I have a really good brain," she said. I don't know when a truer statement was ever uttered. For example, on our way home from church tonight, she saw a guy standing on the corner with a little sign and she pipes up: "That man is a vagabond; he doesn't have a home and he begs for money." Jeff taught her this word who-knows-when and it's just there in her memory bank to use appropriately whenever she wants. Her teacher is also in to teaching the kids big words they can actually use: epidermis, insomnia, fatigue, metamorphasis, etc. She learns these words, and I never know it until she just spits them out, always in context. She's a smart girl. I'm very proud of her.

1 comment:

  1. That's cute.

    It kinda scares me how much they remember. I hope some of the bad things get forgotten...


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