Summer 2017

Thursday, May 11, 2006

CarMax Redeemed

You may remember my rant about CarMax after my alleged parking ticket in Ohio. Well, they have redeemed themselves this week. After I had my little problem with the "check engine" light, we took Minnie into the dealership to have her checked out. There were several things that were in need of repair, and the dealership came back with a quote near $3000 to fix everything. When the shock of that wore off, we decided to take the van into CarMax, just for a second opinion. Well, they came back with a quote that was a little more in line with our budget--around $650. I really don't know how dealerships can get away with charging so much. Minnie should be back with us tomorrow. We've missed her this week.

1 comment:

  1. dealerships are crazy expensive. we finally found a mechanic here in Austin that wouldn't rip us off, but it took us a long time.


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