Summer 2017

Monday, May 15, 2006

All Wet

We walked to the park this morning, and we hadn't been there too terribly long, when the landscaping company who maintains the lawn there showed up. Apparently, they were installing a new sprinkler system. After a while, they decided it was time to test the sprinklers...without letting anyone know. It just so happened that I had parked the stroller near one of the sprinkler heads and I was sitting on a cement ledge nearby. So, on come the sprinklers, drenching me and Weston (who was sitting in the stroller). But the worst part was that Weston, up to this point, was very soundly asleep. You can imagine how much fun he thought it was to be awakened in such a way. We both survived the incident, but we were certainly wet and cold, as there happened to be a nice breeze blowing. Not long after that, Ruth had a bit of a behavior melt-down, so the whole trip to the park turned out to be one of the least fun I can ever remember--and the walk home wasn't much fun either. Some days I guess it's just better to stay home!


  1. That's a Monday for ya! May your week be better . . .

  2. Anonymous10:41 AM

    Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.


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