Summer 2017

Thursday, May 04, 2006

5-Month Slump

Weston has always been a pretty good sleeper. He has even been sleeping through the night somewhat consistantly for a while. We've always swaddled him, and we really believe that has helped him sleep so well. But all that changed on the day he turned 5-months old last week. On that day, he decided that swaddling was for babies and that big boys sleep on their tummies. So, he began fighting against the swaddling until he could get free and immediately flipping over to his belly. Unfortunately, he's still a baby (shh--he doesn't know) and he's just not good at sleeping on his tummy. He just can't quite get comfortable and he loses his pacifier when he moves his head around. So, last night he and I were up every 1 1/2-2 hours. No surprise how I feel about that. Tonight, our goal was to find a blanket big enough to wrap him up tight enough to prevent him from escaping. We're all about bringing back the good old days. I certainly hope our little plan works. I can't take too many nights in a row like last night.

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