Summer 2017

Monday, April 03, 2006

Quotable Ruth

Ruth was full of wonderful sayings today, so here you go.

Ruth and I had the following conversation at the library today, after she refused to even try to read a word I asked her to sound out.

Ruth: I'm not going to read that word. It's too hard for me.

Me: How do you know? You haven't even tried to sound it out.

Ruth: I can't read grown-up words.

Me: Well, I understand that some words are hard and that you don't know how to read every word, but I do expect you to at least try. If you don't try, you will never be able to read.

Ruth: When I'm 5, I'll be able to read lots of words.

Me: Not if you don't try.

Ruth: Well...I guess that's true.

She spent the rest of the day attempting to read everything she could!

We picked up something to eat at the food court at the mall today while we were out and about. I ordered Ruth's pizza for her, but she stepped up and odered her drink.

Ruth: May I please have a Sprite to drink?

Clerk: Wow! What good manners!

Ruth: Thank you.

Clerk: You are just so cute!

Ruth: Yeah, I know.

So much for the good manners!

Ruth was not interested in going down for a nap today and was doing everything she could to keep from it. She would go into her room for a few minutes and then pop out and try to negotiate with me to get out of her nap. I fianlly told her that I would let her know when she could come out. So, she went to her room and screamed over her shoulder, "Even if you come in to get me, I won't ever come out of my room!" That would really show me! Shortly after that she fell asleep, and slept for about an hour.

And finally: During dinner we told Ruth that we would be going out on a date on Saturday night and that Mimi and Grandpa would be coming over to stay with her and Weston. She replied, "Well, I think you can just take Weston with you!"

1 comment:

  1. This morning Emmy came out of the bathroom and said "Mommy! My poop came out in little balls! Hee hee!"

    I'm right there with you.


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