Summer 2017

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Parking Ticket Revisited

So, you all remember that I got a parking ticket in Ohio--having never been to Ohio and having sold the car in question. Well, when I called them to tell them how silly this all was, they told me the thing to do was write a letter stating that I sold the car and to whom, get it notorized (for a$5 fee), mail it back to them and everything would be taken care of. WRONG! They sent me another nasty-gram today stating that what they really needed was a copy of the title transfer or a notorized copy of the bill of sale. Their letter went on to claim that this little incident was actually my fault for not removing the tags from my vehicle when I sold it--which is, in fact, the rule in Ohio, but NOT in Texas (where I live and where I sold the car, lest we forget). Immediately, I thought, "I'll just call CarMax and they'll take care of this, since I sold them the car and they were so helpful in that process." WRONG! First of all, they told me I needed the VIN for the car I sold (over a year ago). That meant emptying my filing cabinet to find some shred of information pertaining to said car, which was hard to come by because I NO LONGER OWN THIS VEHICLE! Finally, I found an old insurance slip with the information and called Kayla at CarMax back. After giving her this information, she tells me really the only thing I can do is go by the DMV and fill out a form and pay a fee to tell the state of Texas that I no longer own the car. That's when I began to demand that CarMax step up to the plate here, and that's also when I got transferred to Kayla's manager. Kayla's manager also suggested that I go by the DMV, but I finally also got her to say she would call the City of Cincinnati and get the ticket taken care of if I would mail her a copy of the ticket. There is apparently nothing they can do for me about possible future tickets which Thunder's new irresponsible driver may acrue...unless I go by the DMV...
I really don't know whether I'm more upset with CarMax for not taking care of business in the first place or with the City of Cincinnati for flat-out lying to me about the way to resolve this mess. I just hope the problem goes away soon. I also hope it's very hot in Ohio because Thunder has never been one to keep her cool.


  1. That is so frustrating! And you liked carmax so much before. If we ever sell a car I will remember to remove the sticker stuff. I hope the manager resolves it. I really don't understand people sometimes. I would never do that to someone. I'm still battling Lane Bryant over a fraudulent credit card charge someone made on my account; I didn't even know I had that account any more . . .

  2. unfortunately dealers are not obligated to transfer the titles to themselves before reselling it, and not only that, but I don't know if it's theire responsibility to make sure person B actually registers the car. the only way I know of to prevent that sort of thing happening is to take the little stub from the title and send it in when you sell the car. the stub says your name and the buyer's name and the date you sold it.

    on the other hand it is stupid and they should help you more and OBVIOUSLY you are not in Ohio, so there ya go. Sometimes this paperwork-laden world is just oo frustrating to deal with!


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