Summer 2017

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Parking Infraction

It's true: I got a parking ticket today. And to make matters worse, it came in the mail. And to make matters worse still, the violation took place a month Cleveland, Ohio! I've never even been to Cleveland, Ohio. I don't think I even know anyone who has been there. How could I possibly have gotten a parking ticket there?! Well, apparently Thunder Button (my old Sentra) found the gumption to get herself up to Ohio after we traded her at CarMax a year ago. (A woman scorned...)? And apparently her new owner has not registered her, so I guess I am still her legal guardian. Unbelievable!! I intend to talk to the (hopefully) nice folks in the Cleveland Parking Violations Bureau ASAP to get this taken care of. I love Thunder, but it's time for her to start taking responsibility for her reckless ways. And it's time for her new owner to wake up and get her registered!

1 comment:

  1. Uh oh. I hope things get worked out. My mom had a similar problem but it was harder for her to convince them it was not her problem because the car was still near. I think it all got taken care of eventually though.


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