Summer 2017

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

One Of Life's Little Pleasures

I made a birthday cake for my mom this past weekend and I had a little of the cream cheese frosting left over. And since no sweet thing goes unnoticed or untouched in my presence, I've been experimenting. Turns out this stuff is great with just about everything--spread on ("healthy") blueberry breakfast bars, mixed into (no fat-no sugar) pudding, sandwiched between (low-fat) chocolate rice cakes, straight off the (calorie-free) knife. I'm almost like a junkie that needs a fix every so often...and the cream cheese frosting is calling to me from the refrigerator. And worse yet, is that I keep telling myself the sooner I eat all of it, the sooner the temptation will be gone. Obviously, this new little addiction isn't doing anything for my weight-loss program. Unfortunately, I have found that I can't work off the extra calories by pushing Weston in the stroller while Ruth rides her tricycle to the park. At least I don't think arerobic exercise is taking place unless you are taking more than ten steps every thirty minutes and unless there is more moving time than standing still, calling-over-your-shoulder-to-hurry-up time. I may have better luck with my baby-wants-to-sleep-on-tummy-but-can't-keep-the-pacifier-in-his-mouth-so-mommy-has-to-go-back-upstairs exercise plan.

As a side note about our walk to the park, I was glad to know that at least some of the parental scare-tactics I spout at Ruth actually stick. I was not happy to learn that the fear is so deep as to cause my child to practically fall off her tricycle in the middle of the street while crying and screaming that the car was going to hit her, even though I was trying with all my might to hold her up and explain to her that the car had to stop at the stop sign. Yeah, that's good parenting, right there. My kid definitely won't be running out into the street or inadvertantly stepping off the curb without holding my hand.


  1. I have found also that the walking to the park/around the block/etc doesn't work as far as weight loss is concerned if there is any child on foot. It's very sad but true.

    Good job with the street danger teaching!

  2. I have the same problem with ANY chocolate in the house. When no actual candy bars, ice cream w/ chocolate syrup, brownie batter, etc is around, I have been know to resort to straight chocolate chips. No wonder cookies ever yield what the recipe says!

    I've been trying the short-walk-with-Danielle-after-dinner weight loss plan and it hasn't worked either--how are you supposed to get your heartbeat up with a little girl again???? Glad to know I'm not the only one with that problem!


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