Summer 2017

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Join the Revolution

I just finished a fascinating book by George Barna called "Revolution," which I highly reccomend. It is a quick but profound read. It addresses a research-shown shift in the way America "does church," and it challenges the reader to embrace a new religious mentality. It's all about living a redeemed life in the fullest sense and not just playing church. It's about lives that bear fruit for the Kingdom of God, regardless of what speech or activities the individual is involved in. It addresses forsaking dead religious practices but not forsaking the assembling together of true bleievers--in a universal sense and not just in a local sense. Based on what I read, I consider myself a so-called "revolutionary." And I am desperately interested in meeting and mingling with others who feel the same way. In these last days before the Lord returns to rapture His faithful church, it is imperative that believers step up to the plate and come out of our comfort zone. We need to be living lives that are completely committed to the project of God. And God's project is salvation--salvation for our own lives and salvation for others. Just because things have generally been done a certain way in the past, doesn't mean that they don't need to change. My invitation to you is to join the revolution, whether you've gone to church your whole life or you've never even heard of this project of which I speak. Refuse to bow to the status quo. Realize that you are not alone in your quest to know the Lord in a more intimate way. And start living the life God intends for you.

"I am a Revolutionary in the service of God Almighty. My life is not my own; I exist as a free person but have voluntarily become a slave to God. My role on earth is to live as a Revolutionary, committed to love, holiness, and advancing God's Kingdom. My life is not about me and my natural desires; it is all about knowing, loving, and serving God with all my heart, mind, strength and soul."--George Barna

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