Summer 2017

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Fun Times

Jeff and I went on a date last night with two other couples to a Mystery Dinner Theater at the Jewish Community Association of Austin. It was lots of fun! The food was terrific and our table figured out whodunit, but unfortunately we didn't figure out all the details until after it was time to turn in our "crime report." After the performance, Jeff and I went by ourselves to my favortie Chai Latte spot. Thanks to Mimi and Grandpa for watching the kids so we could go out!

After church this morning we had breakfast with Mimi and Grandpa here at the house. Jeff cooked, which was super exciting for me! This afternoon we had our first official picnic of Spring. We met our friends, the Hoffmans, at the Arboretum, ate some lunch, played on the cows, had Amy's ice cream and fed the geese down at the pond. The weather was so beautiful--it was an absolutely perfect day!

This weekend I also got Weston set up with all kinds of new seating arrangements. I brought in the high chair from the garage and got it all cleaned up; I put the convertable car seat back together and now have it ready to go; and I bought a portable little seat for helping Weston to sit up in a shopping cart as well as other places he might desire to take a load off.

It was a very fun weekend...and now I'm tired and I'm going to bed!


  1. It's always nice when they can use seats, although it's even nicer when they use big people seats instead. Sounds like a great weekend!


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