Summer 2017

Friday, February 17, 2006

Working through a Grumpy Funk

I am not a morning person. This I know and readily admit. I really can't even function until I've had my shower and my breakfast, and I'm worse when I've been up several times during the night. I'm also a person that needs a little time to myself during the day, especially the early part of the day. So, I certainly don't want to start my day being awakened with crying and incessant talking. But, unfortunately, in my line of work there is a needy newborn and a chatterbox, whose mouth opens at the same time her eyes do. So, I got up a bit grumpy this morning and I'm trying to work through that now. I just keep reminding myself that the kids aren't really trying to get on my nerves. They're just kids, and they are just doing what kids do. I keep telling myself that these days are short and that someday I will wish for the noise that completely fills my house right now. But at the same time, I'm selfishly hoping that both kids nap at the same time today and give me a little me time.


  1. I know how you feel. Sometimes I just wish for two minutes by myself completely silent. Glad you're back safely from your trip!

  2. I think you are being too hard on yourself; you are a great mom and there is nothing wrong with wanting a little peace and time to yourself. Everyone's grumpy every once in a while. I feel like I'm grumpy all the time--the Queen of "in just a minute."


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