Summer 2017

Friday, January 06, 2006

Sister Knows Best

This afternoon Weston was fussy and I couldn't figure out what to do for him. I went through the usual list of things that could be bothering him. I fed him, changed him, gave him the pacifier. Nothing seemed to make him happy. Finally I just left him on his blanket in the living room and went to get dinner ready. In a few minutes it got quiet in the living room so I went to check on Weston, thinking he might have given up and gone to sleep. Instead I found Ruth sitting on the edge of his blanket, "reading" him a book, and him looking at her and hanging on every word she said. It was a very precious moment, which I was fortunate enough to capture with my camera. Short minutes later, Ruth was back to her own activities and Weston was seriously considering a nap, but for a heart-melting moment they were all the other needed in the world.

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