Summer 2017

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Proud as a Peacock

This morning Ruth's preschool class did a little play, and Ruth was the peacock. She was so excited about her role and she did a fantastic job. When we found out they would be doing a play, the teacher told me they didn't need any special costumes, but Ruth insisted that the peacock must have feathers. So, in order to insure that the peacock could do her very best job, I did what any mom would do: I went to Wal-Mart at 10:00 last night and went up and down every aisle trying to figure out what we could use for peacock feathers. Unfortunately, they didn't have real peacock feathers, and they didn't have feather boas, or anything else even resembling feathers. So, finally, in a moment of inspiration (or, more likely, desperation) I picked up these things from the floral department. I have no idea what they are or what their original purpose is, but they did make fine peacock feathers, if I do say so myself. Ruth the Peacock was certainly proud to wear them, and Jeff and I we very proud of our beautiful peacock's performance.

1 comment:

  1. That is so neat! When we first looked at the photo I thought "what a cool art project." I love peacocks and Danielle consistently lists them as one of several animal favorites. Ruth is a very pretty peacock!


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