Summer 2017

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Date Night

Last night Jeff and I got to go on a date for the first time since Weston joined our family. As we arrived at the grandparents', I realized that we were either going to have a very short date or I was going to have to figure out a way to get Weston some food when I wasn't there. (Nothing like planning ahead, huh)?! So, I dashed over to the pharmacy to see what I could find in the way of formula and bottles, all the while thinking, "I never would have done this with my first kid." Having never used either of those things, I was completely dumbfounded. Finally, I gave up and just asked the pharmacist. She was properly impressed with my lack of planning--"So you've never used formula?!"--but was helpful in assisting me nonetheless, although she did suggest I buy several bottles just in case my baby was picky about what kind of nipple he would accept. That gave me visions of Weston screaming his head off and refusing to take part in this whole scam. She was also quick to point out that after I gave my baby formula, I would seriously have to consider why I ever thought breastfeeding was a good idea to begin with. That sent me down the path of wondering if Weston was going to reject me altogether after this experience and if it was really worth it. Finally, with the decision made to go through with it, I made my purchase (just one bottle) and headed to drop it all off with my parents. Fortunatley, everything went off without a hitch. Jeff and I were able to go out to dinner and see a movie, Weston thoroughly enjoyed his formula experience, Ruth was thrilled because she got to hold the bottle for Weston and the grandparents were happy to have the kids over at their house for a while. Since a good time was had by all, I think another date night will be in order soon!

(By the way, the movie we saw was Glory Road, and we thought it was very good, in case anyone else out there is planning their own date night).


  1. Emmy never had formula.
    Denali just did, and he was about 11 mos old, and he was not too impressed. I feel your pain.

    Glad it all worked out. I'll keep the movie recommendation in mind!

  2. Danielle had problems early on with latching so we did the formula for a while when we "finger feed" her. It's a process to teach the kid to latch; you tape a little tube to your finger and the child sucks on your finger. She never got used to bottles. I don't think you have to worry about Weston prefering the bottle--did you taste the formula? Not so good. I've heard the other is sweeter.


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